home renovation

5 Easy Steps to Fixing a Squeaky Door and Enjoying a Quiet Home

A squeaky door can be a nuisance and disturb the peace and quiet of your home. The good news is that fixing a squeaky door is a simple process that you can do yourself. The first step is to identify the source of the squeak, which is usually caused by friction between the hinges or the door and the frame. Once you have identified the source, try lubricating the area with a lubricant like WD-40 or petroleum jelly. If the squeak persists, tighten any loose screws or replace worn-out hinges. With these simple steps, you can say goodbye to that annoying squeak and enjoy a quiet, peaceful home.



Welcome to our step-by-step guide on how to fix a squeaky door and enjoy a quiet home. A squeaky door can be an annoying and frustrating problem for homeowners or renters, but thankfully, it’s also a relatively easy one to fix. In this tutorial, we’ll provide five simple steps to help you get rid of that pesky squeak once and for all.

Step 1: Lubricate the Hinges

The first step to fixing a squeaky door is to lubricate the hinges. Over time, hinges can become dry and corroded, causing them to rub against each other and create that annoying sound. To lubricate the hinges, follow these simple steps:

  1. Open the door and prop it open so that it stays in place.
  2. Locate the hinges on the door and frame.
  3. Apply a lubricant like WD-40 or oil to the hinges. Be sure to use a small amount of lubricant so that it doesn’t drip onto your floors or carpet.
  4. Move the door back and forth a few times to allow the lubricant to penetrate into the hinge joints.

If you don’t have any WD-40 or oil on hand, you can also use petroleum jelly or even cooking spray as a temporary solution until you can get your hands on some proper lubricant.

Step 2: Tighten Screws

If lubricating the hinges doesn’t solve the problem, then your next step is to tighten any loose screws. Loose screws can cause hinges to shift out of alignment, which can create friction between metal surfaces and result in squeaking sounds. Here’s how you can tighten screws:

  1. Open the door and prop it open so that it stays in place.
  2. Locate the screws on the hinges and tighten them using a screwdriver.
  3. Check all of the screws on the hinges to ensure that they are tightened properly.

If you find any stripped screws, you’ll need to replace them with new ones. Stripped screws can’t be tightened properly and will continue to cause problems even after lubricating or adjusting the hinges.

Step 3: Adjust Strike Plate

If tightening screws doesn’t solve the problem, then your next step is to adjust the strike plate. The strike plate is the metal plate on the door frame that catches the latch from the doorknob. If it’s misaligned, it can cause friction between metal surfaces and create squeaking sounds. Here’s how you can adjust the strike plate:

  1. Close the door and examine where the latch bolt contacts with the strike plate.
  2. If there is a gap between the bolt and plate, use a screwdriver to loosen the screws holding it in place.
  3. Gently tap or shift it until it aligns with where your door latch hits. Then, retighten all of its screws again.

Test your door by opening and closing it a few times to see if this has solved your problem. If not, proceed to Step 4.

Step 4: Replace Hinges

If none of these steps work, then you may need to replace your hinges entirely. Over time, hinges can become worn out or damaged beyond repair, causing them to squeak no matter what you try. Replacing hinges isn’t difficult but make sure you have a partner help you out to avoid any potential safety hazards. Here’s how to replace your hinges:

  1. Remove the screws from the old hinge on the door and frame.
  2. Have a partner hold the door in place while you remove the hinge pins by tapping them with a hammer and nail or punch.
  3. Install the new hinges by fitting them into place and screwing them in, both on the frame and on the door itself.
  4. Test your door by opening and closing it a few times to ensure that it is working properly.

If you’re unsure about how to replace your hinges, consider hiring a professional handyman to help guide you through the process or do it for you.

Step 5: Sand or Oil Door Hinge

If your door still squeaks after replacing your hinges, then there might be an issue with the door itself. If it’s rubbing against the frame or floor, then you may need to sand down one of those surfaces. Alternatively, adding oil lubrication can also help resolve any issues caused by friction between surfaces. Here’s how:

  1. Close the door and examine where it’s rubbing against other surfaces.
  2. If rubbing against floor, sand down where this is occurring until there is enough clearance between surfaces.
  3. If rubbing against frame, add oil lubrication over time until sound goes away.

Congratulations! You’ve successfully fixed your squeaky door! However, remember that regular maintenance can prevent future squeaks from occurring again. It’s important to keep hinges lubricated and tight screws periodically checked. By following these simple steps, you can enjoy a quiet home without any annoying noises from your doors.


We hope that our step-by-step guide has helped you fix your squeaky door and enjoy a quieter home. Remember to start with the simplest solution, which is lubricating the hinges, and work your way up to more complex solutions like replacing the hinges or sanding down surfaces. Always be sure to follow safety precautions when working on your door and seek professional help if you’re unsure about any of the steps. Happy fixing!


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